Heart of Jesus, Abyss of All Virtues
In this lesson, Annabelle Moseley, poet; author; and Professor of Theology, leads Day 11 of the 33-Day “Our House of the Sacred Heart” Consecration and teaches “The Lesson of the Magnolias” as a real-life example of waiting. Beautiful prayers, devotions, art, stories, scripture and poetry are included in this podcast that won’t take much of your time… but is time well-spent.
Reflection on Art
Magnolias symbolize perseverance and fortitude. They symbolize grace under pressure. Prune a magnolia tree, they grow even more lush. Which of these three magnolias best symbolizes how you feel today? They are all beautiful. Are you the bud, the opening flower, or the one in full bloom? Why?
Question of the Day
- What do you do; who do you turn to; during the challenging times of waiting that keep you from feeling trapped… like you’re walking in quicksand or stuck in cement?
Download the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus here if you’d like to save it or print it for reference!
Listen to Author Annabelle Moseley interviewed by Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis on her show “Vows, Vocations, and Promises: Discerning the Call of Love.” Hear Annabelle talk about what inspired her to write this book, what it was like to write it, why she decided to lead a Consecration to the Sacred Heart and answers to other intriguing questions.
Today’s Challenge
Do you seek the virtues that our faith provides? The theological virtues of faith, hope and love are a good place to start. The Cardinal or hinge virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance are certainly helpful. Which of the virtues do you feel you do well? Which one challenges you? Bring both to prayer.
Faith is definitely my strongest virtue. I wonder how people who do not believe in God function. My faith is the most important aspect of my upbringing. It is because of my parents that I look to God for the answers. My brother and went to Saint Benedict’s school in East New York. Our school day began with Mass and the first lesson of the day was Catechism. So in essence we went from God in the home to God in the school, it was a continuous cycle that kept us on the right path. It was not only my parents that guided me, it was my Grandmother, who as far back as I can remember sat in her chair with her Rosary beads in her hand. She had an altar set up in her bedroom with candles that always gave me a sense of peace whenever I went in her bedroom. I also think that with Faith, hope and love follow closely behind.
I try to be fair in my life and not have extreme opinions, and as far as courage in pain – I try to offer up any pain for the souls in purgatory, especially the ones who have no one to pray for them, I can’t say that It is 100% of the time, but I do try my best. The one challenging virtue for me is sometimes I throw caution to the wind. I have made spontaneous decisions, that in retrospect I should taken a little bit more time pondering all the aspects of my decision. But again, Faith plays a gigantic role in most of my decisions, I also know that God loves me with all my faults and that keeps me going.
As far as the Magnolia goes, I would have to say that I am the opening flower. I am not in full bloom, I consider myself a work in progress. I know with the help of God, He will nurture me to full bloom one day! Thank you Jesus! Jesus, I trust in you
Heade’s artwork of the blue cloth with the white magnolias reminds me of Our Blessed Mother. Many times throughout my life I have felt stuck. Cement and quicksand metaphors are scary and sinking to me. When I saw that in a movie as a kid, it seemed final. No way out unless someone is there to throw you a branch to pull you out. The stuck analogy offers me away out{lol}. One thing I have been doing with my prayer group everyday is praying the Rosa Mystica. We pray to the Archangels with Mary’s intercession to her Son to help us hear Christ’s calling us to spread the Good News and Salvation through a life of virtue. In doing this we pray for Grace to move away from the vices and move to the virtue, peace and love.As you have expressed it… we move into our home which is the Heart of Jesus. Feeling stuck reminds us that God is with us. He wants to listen to us and help us but we must ask Him. Our conscience and our heart are the places where He is always present. He will engage and deliberate with us so that a decision of good intention and truth is made. I just realized God is the branch and the other Person that pulled us up from the quicksand and anxious moments so that we are mobile and moving ahead. Love the ending song, I want my heart to be like your heart!